INTERCONTINEN7AL’s ‘Night Shift’ is a Swaying Acoustic Track

INTERCONTINEN7AL has racked up quite the reputation over the past couple of years. With eclectic albums, exploring and presenting a multitude of genres, and lyricism that makes you feel closer to the world, their discography speaks for them. Music is often referred to as a universal language, one that offers itself up to anyone that chooses to listen. INTERCONTINEN7AL is a band whose musicians are sourced from across all seven continents that bring their unique and varied influences to the table. 

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They have just released Volume 4 of their self-titled album. If this album is anything like the other three, be sure to jive, jam, groove, and sway to the rhythms of the world. Taken from this collection is the track ‘Night Shift’. It forms on the milder side of the spectrum. Glinting with acoustic strings, swishing synths, and a bare vocal vulnerability, it reveals the essence of human life and living. The track is crafted with the softness of James Taylor, the measured wisdom of Bob Dylan, and the easy grace of Hank Williams. Listen Now! 

Check out their Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter!

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘Night Shift’ by INTERCONTINEN7AL here - 

Promotional Disclaimer: The content in this post has been sponsored by the artist, label, or PR representative to help promote their work.


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